Christian Education
The purpose of Christian Education and Sunday school is both educational and evangelistic. As a teacher you are also a soul winner. We must have a balanced Sunday school program, one that not only emphasizes education but realizes that the Sunday school class is a great venue to win the lost for Christ. The great commission according to (Matt. 28:19-20) includes both education–as in to teach all nations– and evangelism as in making disciples. The Sunday school class is a suitable setting for both. The Sunday school class is the ideal place for evangelism as it presents a smaller and more personal atmosphere. The teacher knows more about a student’s spiritual needs because of the more personable relationship. Moreover, Sunday school lessons offer the opportunity to present the plan of salvation for each age group to hear the gospel at their level of interest and understanding.
The Sunday school programs at church are managed by the Sunday school superintendent. Sunday school programs take a lot of work and planning on behalf of the Sunday school teachers and the people in the church’s leadership overseeing the education ministries to be organized and effective. The six most important tasks of the Sunday School Superintendent includes Overseeing the teaching, Organizing the classes, Administering the program, Getting others to work together, Developing leaders and Making sure that the Spiritual life of the teachers and students remains vital. The duties of the Sunday School Superintendent are enumerated in the steps below:
1) Survey and Evaluate: Sunday school superintendents must survey and evaluate the needs in the Sunday school programs by talking with teachers, church leaders and attendees. The needs must be evaluated by importance and prioritized. Important needs should be met as quickly as possible involving skills in long-range planning and the ability to follow through on those plans.
2) Select and Equip: Sunday school superintendents also must select teachers for individual Sunday school classes and equip them with the training, literature and other materials necessary to meet the needs of Sunday school students.
3) Oversee Facilities: Sunday school superintendents must ensure that the Sunday school facilities meet the needs of the teachers and students. This involves determining classroom space assignments based on attendance numbers, ensuring that the facilities are safe and in good working order, and checking classrooms after services to ensure the rooms have been returned to order.
4) Produce Growth: An important role of Sunday school superintendents is visitation, evangelism and other activities that will grow participation in the church’s Sunday school program. Superintendents should strive for at least a 10 percent enrollment growth each year.
5) Budget: Sunday school superintendents must stick to a budget and be able to meet the needs of the classes within the budget. The money that is designated for Sunday school programs is usually decided on by church leadership with input given by the superintendent. If superintendents cannot meet the needs of their Sunday school programs with the monies that are allocated, they need to submit an official request for more funds to the church leadership at a business meeting. Superintendents should be ready to show where the money that is disbursed to the Sunday school department is being spent and show where the requested money will be allocated.
6) Accountability: Sunday school superintendents come under the authority of the church leadership and must be accountable for decisions made in the capacity of superintendent. Likewise, Sunday school superintendents must hold teachers and Sunday school volunteers they oversee accountable for their decisions.