Christian Education

The purpose of Christian Education and Sunday school is both educational and evangelistic. As a teacher you are also a soul winner. We must have a balanced Sunday school program, one that not only emphasizes education but realizes that the Sunday school class is a great venue to win the lost for Christ. The great commission according to (Matt. 28:19-20) includes both education–as in to teach all nations– and evangelism as in making disciples. The Sunday school class is a suitable setting for both. The Sunday school class is the ideal place for evangelism as it presents a smaller and more personal atmosphere. The teacher knows more about a student’s spiritual needs because of the more personable relationship. Moreover, Sunday school lessons offer the opportunity to present the plan of salvation for each age group to hear the gospel at their level of interest and understanding.


The Sunday school programs at church are managed by the Sunday school superintendent. Sunday school programs take a lot of work and planning on behalf of the Sunday school teachers and the people in the church’s leadership overseeing the education ministries to be organized and effective. The six most important tasks of the Sunday School Superintendent includes Overseeing the teaching, Organizing the classes, Administering the program, Getting others to work together, Developing leaders and Making sure that the Spiritual life of the teachers and students remains vital. The duties of the Sunday School Superintendent are enumerated in the steps below:

1) Survey and Evaluate: Sunday school superintendents must survey and evaluate the needs in the Sunday school programs by talking with teachers, church leaders and attendees. The needs must be evaluated by importance and prioritized. Important needs should be met as quickly as possible involving skills in long-range planning and the ability to follow through on those plans.

2) Select and Equip: Sunday school superintendents also must select teachers for individual Sunday school classes and equip them with the training, literature and other materials necessary to meet the needs of Sunday school students.

3) Oversee Facilities: Sunday school superintendents must ensure that the Sunday school facilities meet the needs of the teachers and students. This involves determining classroom space assignments based on attendance numbers, ensuring that the facilities are safe and in good working order, and checking classrooms after services to ensure the rooms have been returned to order.

4) Produce Growth: An important role of Sunday school superintendents is visitation, evangelism and other activities that will grow participation in the church’s Sunday school program. Superintendents should strive for at least a 10 percent enrollment growth each year.

5) Budget: Sunday school superintendents must stick to a budget and be able to meet the needs of the classes within the budget. The money that is designated for Sunday school programs is usually decided on by church leadership with input given by the superintendent. If superintendents cannot meet the needs of their Sunday school programs with the monies that are allocated, they need to submit an official request for more funds to the church leadership at a business meeting. Superintendents should be ready to show where the money that is disbursed to the Sunday school department is being spent and show where the requested money will be allocated.

6) Accountability: Sunday school superintendents come under the authority of the church leadership and must be accountable for decisions made in the capacity of superintendent. Likewise, Sunday school superintendents must hold teachers and Sunday school volunteers they oversee accountable for their decisions.

Deaconate Ministry

The Deaconate Ministry is synonymous with service (i.e. to be at the service of God caring for the saints/ church members). The services of the deaconate to the congregation are numerous and its impact is invaluable (Acts 6:1-6). Listed here are the main responsibilities:

  1.  Provide guidance for the youth.
  2.  Working with various groups to strengthen their faith.
  3.  Maintain the interior cleanliness of the church.
  4.  Ministry of visitation: whether at home, in the hospital, in prison, widows and orphans particularly all church members in need.
  5.  The deaconate can be seen actively serve during Holy Communion, baptism service, wedding ceremony, funeral service and any or all social gatherings.

Outreach Ministry

The final words of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago as the Great Commission given to us in all four gospel accounts and in the book of Acts, today remain the duty the church must continue to carry out until His return. (Matthew 28:18-20) “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Oftentimes, people come to church to enjoy the rich and intimate fellowship with other believers to the extent that they neglect equally important matters, like evangelism, discipleship and church planting. The church must not only have an inward nurturing thrust, but must also have an outward missionary focus. The church unfortunately, has developed a fortress mentality wanting to protect ourselves from the power and pollution of sin. Instead of finding ourselves on the defensive, we ought to be on the offensive! Jesus said that the gates of Hades would not overpower His church (Mt 16:18). We have the power and authority to invade the kingdom of darkness with the truth of the gospel, and hell can’t stop us. Let this truth from the lips of Christ encourage and embolden you to new evangelistic exploits!The implications of the Great Commission calls members of the congregation to pray and look for opportunities to speak a word for Christ to those they interact with, like classmates, neighbors, work mates, relatives, customers or other acquaintances. The Biblical model is to proclaim Christ to others as the Lord provides opportunity for our witness, and when someone comes to faith in Christ, to then invite him to begin meeting with other believers in our corporate gatherings. In addition to engaging in open air preaching, street evangelism, door to door witnessing, and tract distribution we need to regularly seek to put ourselves in places where we can interact with non-Christians. We can join a neighborhood watch program, civic group, or local groups to meet people. We can open our homes during the holidays and invite our neighbors in. We can invite unbelievers into our homes for dinner. We can start an investigative Bible study for any of our unsaved friends who are open to learning what the Bible has to say and ask our unbelieving friends what we can be praying for in their lives. Whenever God gives an opportunity for us to befriend an unbeliever, we need to just be ourselves, and let our light shine. The opportunities abound to love people and thus make an eternal difference in their lives.Out of all the people the church witnesses to, there will be some whom God has prepared to receive Christ and be saved. What then? Well, the person who led the individual to Christ, if possible, should begin to disciple him by spending time with him, encouraging him, answering questions he has about how to live for God, and providing an example for him in serving Christ. As God saves new believers we can either add them to the existing church, or begin a new church plant. The church planter can begin to teach these new believers how to function as a church, and how to reach their social circle with the gospel of Christ. Hopefully, over time, God will raise up from these new converts mature brothers who can serve as elders to shepherd the flock.


  1. Answer the call to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matt.28 :19-20)
  2. Bring to the Lord all those who are in need of salvation. Do not hinder them in any form by being a good example and shine as the light of God and show them the way of salvation.
  3. Work closely with the Sr. Pastor and church Elders to develop a plan.
  4. Provide training and resources to adequately answer the call of God.

Usher Ministry

The church is “a kingdom of priests” (I Peter 2:9). An usher is a minister of hospitality and caring in the church. Ushers are considered Levites and therefore the gatekeepers of God’s sanctuary. Ushers, as the ones who stand at the door, greet, and distribute pamphlets, are the ambassadors for the church, and a key part in the Body of Christ. Ushering is a wonderful opportunity to minister to members and visitors by way of our attitude. A smile and a gracious greeting is a very warm welcome to church and by giving everyone a heartfelt welcome, we help set the tone of the congregation. Ushering is also a great way to get to know your church family through assisting and serving them on a regular basis. The ministry of ushering is one of the most crucial because it is one of the most visible in the church. When people come to church they are sometimes burdened, sad or discouraged. Each person, member or newcomer, comes with the hope to have an uplifting experience a time of renewal and celebration and be inspired. The skillful usher helps to make this a reality for those in attendance. The ministry’s purpose is to assist the pastoral staff, to meet, greet and assist visitors and members, to maintain order and reverence and to lead by example.

Duties of the Usher:

  1. Greet worshipers, making every attempt to help them feel welcome.
  2. Direct members, guests and visitors to find seating in the sanctuary and overflow rooms.
  3. Work in conjunction with the deacons to maintain reverence in the sanctuary, worship areas and lobby.
  4. Support pastoral staff, fellow ministry leaders, deaconate and or worship leaders as needed during the course of services, such as distributing handouts, bulletins, hymnals, delivering messages, etc.
  5. Support church events such as concerts, crusades, Week of Prayer and funerals.
  6. Receive certain offerings, delivering them promptly to the treasury department of the church
  7. Remain alert for any emergency that may arise, relieving the need or contacting the person(s) needed to provide the proper assistance.
  8. Direct individuals out of the service/meeting in an orderly fashion (in most instances by row), leaving the auditorium or room ready for the next service or meeting.

Security Ministry

The Ministry of safety and security is as a noble a task as those who are called to oversee the spiritual life of the church. The responsibility of a member of the security team is to address the physical welfare and personal property of people present during regular service at the church. The Bible urges us to be vigilant, because our adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1Pet 5:8). In the Old Testament we had men of valor and brave soldiers working as guards ensuring the city gates against the enemies of God’s people looking to steal, kill, and destroy. Today we live in a different time; however, the devil is in effect still actively prowling and seeking for vulnerabilities to disrupt and destroy the lives of believers by any means. The very present danger creates the need to continue having men to serve in the Ministry of safety and security.


  1. To serve and protect the lives of those who are physically present at all regular church services and acts as a custodian of church and members personal properties.
  2. To maintain order and taking proactive safeguards to prevent accidents, crimes and promote safety.
  3. Identify elements of danger and independently exercise good judgment in cases of emergency and contact the appropriate entities.
  4. Help alleviate congestion in the parking lot and execute routine patrol of the church property and the surrounding area for thieves, trespassers, and suspicious characters.
  5. Work with the pastor, the board of elders and the deaconate for guidance.

Family Ministry

Family ministry is of the utmost importance in the community. It is established to promote family values necessary for the development and the fortification of the nuclear family (father, mother and children) as a component of society. As generally accepted, the nuclear family is the most important cell of society. In fact, society is a reflection of all families that makes up society as a whole. There cannot be a balanced church obeying the will of God if the families are imbalanced morally, spiritually or socially.

Principal role of family ministry:

  1. Support young couples in their new experience of married life.
  2. Encourage parents to inculcate basic spiritual concepts to their children at an early age.
  3. Promote family values within the community.
  4. Promote recreational and social activities to benefit families and the community.
  5. Promote harmony within the families through suitable and regular exchanges.
  6. Organize educational activities such as seminars, conferences, and retreats aiming for the success of families.
  7. Work in concert with the Pastor and elders of the church to fight divorce as a plague corroding society.

Children’s Ministry

The goal of the Children Ministry at Unity Pentecostal Church is to partner our amazing team of volunteers together with parents to guide kids toward a HEART for God and provide the tools, tips and opportunities to encourage spiritual development at home. Children Ministry offers a safe and nurturing environment for boys and girls to discover God’s amazing love in Jesus Christ and to encourage kids to develop a relationship with Him. Children are engaged in creative bible studies and activities that are age appropriate and designed to provide weekly fellowship. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6).

Youth and Young Adult Ministry

The Youth ages 13-17 and Young Adults ages 18 and older Ministry @ UPC focus on topics and issues relevant to young people. We apply the  Word of God in an engaging, high-energy format for the youth to grow in love, spirit, faith and purity. Young people experience the power and love of God through biblical instruction, fellowship, and service. At UPC, we are developing future Christian leaders today to be  servants of the Lord. (1Timothy 4:12) Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Women’s Minsitry

UPC Women’s Ministry focus is to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of women of the church and within the community. This ministry is designed to encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ, to develop and strengthen intimate friendships with other women, emphasize and support healthy interaction and relationship with their significant male counterparts in their lives and to provide opportunities to serve and reach the community for Christ as a woman, sister, friend, wife and mother. Women are called to fully embrace the power and purpose of humility as it is the key to unlocking God’s abundant blessings in every aspect of their lives and family. (Ephesians 5:22) Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord

Men’s Ministry

UPC Men Ministry is dedicated to helping men live out the Creator’s blueprint for manhood as the spiritual leader, provider and protector of the family. The blueprint is for man to follow Christ and recognize the need to sacrifice himself for his bride as Christ did; and that is man’s purpose, every woman’s dream and every child’s hope. Men constantly face an onslaught of wrong messages about success, happiness and relationships. The mission of men’s ministry is to provide men the resources to develop godly character and to equip them with the tools to positively influence their world for Christ. (Ephesians 5:25) Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.