Usher Ministry
The church is “a kingdom of priests” (I Peter 2:9). An usher is a minister of hospitality and caring in the church. Ushers are considered Levites and therefore the gatekeepers of God’s sanctuary. Ushers, as the ones who stand at the door, greet, and distribute pamphlets, are the ambassadors for the church, and a key part in the Body of Christ. Ushering is a wonderful opportunity to minister to members and visitors by way of our attitude. A smile and a gracious greeting is a very warm welcome to church and by giving everyone a heartfelt welcome, we help set the tone of the congregation. Ushering is also a great way to get to know your church family through assisting and serving them on a regular basis. The ministry of ushering is one of the most crucial because it is one of the most visible in the church. When people come to church they are sometimes burdened, sad or discouraged. Each person, member or newcomer, comes with the hope to have an uplifting experience a time of renewal and celebration and be inspired. The skillful usher helps to make this a reality for those in attendance. The ministry’s purpose is to assist the pastoral staff, to meet, greet and assist visitors and members, to maintain order and reverence and to lead by example.
Duties of the Usher:
- Greet worshipers, making every attempt to help them feel welcome.
- Direct members, guests and visitors to find seating in the sanctuary and overflow rooms.
- Work in conjunction with the deacons to maintain reverence in the sanctuary, worship areas and lobby.
- Support pastoral staff, fellow ministry leaders, deaconate and or worship leaders as needed during the course of services, such as distributing handouts, bulletins, hymnals, delivering messages, etc.
- Support church events such as concerts, crusades, Week of Prayer and funerals.
- Receive certain offerings, delivering them promptly to the treasury department of the church
- Remain alert for any emergency that may arise, relieving the need or contacting the person(s) needed to provide the proper assistance.
- Direct individuals out of the service/meeting in an orderly fashion (in most instances by row), leaving the auditorium or room ready for the next service or meeting.